Quality Policy
Our goal is to always achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. Commitment to the implementation of supporting quality operational systems is essential to realising this goal.
The continued future success of Test Inc. depends on the quality of our service delivery. The quality of our services must be of the highest possible standard, right first time, to meet the ever-increasing levels set by our competition and demanded by our customers.
Aim: To apply the Quality Management Principles (QMP) throughout our Business Operations:
1. Customer Focus: Exceed Customer expectations
2. Leadership: Provide purpose, direction, and engagement
3. Engagement of People: Recognition, empowerment and enhancement of skills and knowledge
4. Process Approach: Understand processes to optimise performance and achieve Right first time
5. Improvement: To optimise performance and create new opportunities
6. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Facts, evidence, and data analysis for decision making
7. Relationship Management: Manage relationships with interested parties to optimise performance
The Company will:
Ensure that the policy is successfully implemented, readily available and periodically reviewed
Ensure that the correct company processes and procedures are followed
Monitor and review periodically Business Operational performance
Encourage and foster a culture of Continuous Improvement
We are committed to operating our Company under the disciplines and control of a Quality Management System (QMS) conforming to IS0 9001:2015 standard. Our Company will constantly review and improve on our Business Operations to ensure tasks are completed in the most cost effective and timely manner, for the benefit of all Internal & External Customers. We shall ensure that all our personnel understand and fully implement our Company's policies and objectives and are able to perform their duties effectively through an on-going training and development process.
This policy will be reviewed and if necessary, revised based on legislative or organisational changes. Should any amendments, revisions, or updates be made the Company Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will ensure all parties are educated and necessary to effectively implement those changes.